1. m:n: m::ðhn: ká\N:, kÙöj: ev:hari y:adv: m:aD:v: ká\N: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari (2) G:n:Sy:am: s:Øödr hð eg:erD:ari (2) y:adv: m:aD:v: ká\N: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari (2) ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari j:y: j:y: ev:YÏYl: m:Ørari
  2. (Hey Krishna, the One who infuses joy in the mind, the One sporting the peacock feather in His head, Yaadava, Madhava, Vitthala, muraarii (all different names for Krishna), You are the enchanting One, You are the dark complexioned One, You are the One who lifted the Govardhan mountain)