1. G:n:Sy:am: s:Øödr b:ns:i D:r hð ká\N: knhòyy:a t:Øm: h:ð m:ðrð m:aú b:ap: B:òyy:a dðv:ki t:n:y: hð n:öd l:al: din: b:aöD:v: ¾arka n:aT: raD:a Ædy: en:v:as: hrð ká\N: m:D:Øs:Üdn: m:Ørl:iD:r p:rt:iÃ:r s:ty: s:aIÃ:r
  2. (Chant the name of the Lotus-Faced Shyaama, Who is Prince of Devaki and Nanda; a charming flute-player; resident of the heart of Radha - Lord Krishna, Who is our Father and Mother and Guardian. O Lord of Dwaraka! Thou art the only kith and kin of the afflicted and miserables. Chant the name of Lord of Lords, Lord Sathya Sai of Parthipuri.)