1. ram: hrð her n:am: b::ðl::ð her n:am: b::ðl::ð her n:am: b::ðl::ð ram: hrð her n:am: b::ðl::ð s:aI ram: p:rm: dy:al: p:rm: dy:al: p:rm: dy:al: m:n: m:öedr m:ðö edy:a uj:al: n:an:k s:aI b::ðl::ð g::ðev:nd s:aI b::ðl::ð All:ah s:aI b::ðl::ð m::òl: s:aI b::ðl::ð ram: hrð her n:am: b::ðl::ð
  2. (Sing of Ram, of Hari, of Sai who is Nanak, Krishna, Allah, Maula (all-pervasive God), Sai Ram, most compassionate, whose light has dawned in the temple of my mind.)