1. hð en:rakari All:ah hð Av:t:ari rG:Ø ram: j:n:m: j:n:m: m:ðrð s:t: rh:ð t:Øm: s:aI n:aT: B:g:v:an: hð n:ir kri All:ah hð Av:t:ari rG:Ø ram: j:n:m: j:n:m: m:ðrð s:t: rh:ð t:Øm: s:aI n:aT: B:g:v:an:
  2. (You are called by the name Allah when You are formless and by the name of Lord Rama when You took the form of an avathaar. Be with me in all my births, O Lord Sai)