1. )ðm: IÃ:r hò IÃ:r )ðm: hò IÃ:r )ðm: hò, )ðm: IÃ:r hò hr D:Rkn: m:ðö s:aI ram: hò IÃ:r )ðm: hò )ðm: IÃ:r hò, IÃ:r )ðm: hò ram: rhim: b:ع kerö z::ðra\XÕ Os:Ø n:an:k k:ðI B:i n:am: j:p::ðrð m:an:v: IÃ:r )ðm: hò
  2. (Love is God, God is Love. In every heartbeat Sai abodes. Love is God, God is Love - God is known by many names - Rama or Rahim or Krishna or Karim, Zorashtra or Jesus or Nanak. O man, whatever name you recite, please remember that God is the embodiment of Love)