1. s:aI s:ty: p:al:n: b:ab:a s:ty: p:al:n: eS:rRip:Øri v:as: s:aI s:v:ðüS: hð p:ret:p:Øri v:as: hð eS:rRip:Øri v:as: s:v:ðüS: s:ty: p:al:n: AeK:l:en:v:as: j:y: Æe\:kñS: m:ög:l: kr hð p:av:n: p:Ø,\: eS:rRip:Øri v:as: s:aI s:v:ðüS: hð p:ret:p:Øri v:as: hð eS:rRip:Øri v:as: s:v:ðüS: s:ty: p:al:n:
  2. (Hey Baba, You are the protector of Truth. You are the Lord of all and You have your abode at Shirdi and Parthi. Victory to Thee, Lord of all the worlds. Bring auspiciousness, Oh Holy, supreme Lord)