1. B:j::ðrð s:aI j:p::ð rð s:aI Â:i s:ty: n:am: s:aI n:am: hò s:b: k s:hara B:j::ðrð s:aI n:am: B:j::ðrð s:aI n:am: .... (B:j::ðrð s:aI j:p::ð rð ...) raG:v: rG:Øv:r n:am: m:aD:v: m:Ørhr n:am: b:ÒÉ ev:\N:Ø m:hðÃ:r n:am: n:am: j:p::ð rð s:da j:p::ð rð s:v:ü dðv: -p: s:aI n:am:
  2. (Sing/chant the name of Sathya Sai Baba; The name Sai is the 'support' for all; It is the name of Raghava, Raghuvara (Shree Rama); It is also the name of Madhava, Murahara (Shree Krishna); It is the name of Brahma (creator), Vishnu (sustainer) and Mahadeva (Shiva - destroyer). Chant the names. Always ring the names - the name of Sai who is in all God forms)