1. b:ÒÉaNR n:ay:k b:ab:a p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r b:ab:a c:öd A:òr s:Ürj: t:Øm: n:ð b:n:ay:ð n:edy:a s:ag:r t:Øm: n:ð b:n:ay:ð (2) b:ÒÉaNR n:ay:k b:ab:a p:ret:p:ØriÃ:r b:ab:a Ay::ðDy:a n:g:ri t:Øm: n:ð b:n:ay:i ¾arka n:g:aer t:Øm: n:ð b:n:ay:i eS:rRi p:ret: t:Øm: n:ð b:s:ay:i
  2. (O Baba! Lord of creation, O Baba! Lord of Parthi, You made the moon and the sun You made the rivers and the oceans; And also the city of Dwaraka and Ayodhya And you made Shirdi and Parthi; O Baba! Lord of Supreme Bliss and Lord of Parthi)